Ensure That Your Business Meets Our Criteria

Find out if BA Growth is a good fit for you

Choosing what businesses to invest in is a big decision to make. That's why the investors at BA Growth have an acquisition strategy in place to ensure that everyone gets the best deal possible. Before you sit down with our firm, you should know that we invest in:

  • Small-market businesses
  • Commercial/Home Service Companies
  • Businesses that are part of slow-changing industries
  • EBITDA approximately $1.0 million+
  • FTE = 10+ employees

We'll also need to ensure that your business has a consistent revenue stream before we make an offer. Find out more by reaching out to our team today.

Learn about our investment process

In order to give your business the attention it deserves, our team will conduct a thorough investment evaluation process. This includes:

  • Discretion (NDA) is our primary goal
  • Completing a preliminary screening
  • Evaluating your business operations, supply chains and inventory management strategy
  • Discuss your management team and post-acquisition plans
  • Visiting your company's physical location to observe the facilities
  • Proposing IOI
  • Conduct small and fast due diligence
Learn more about our process by getting in touch with us now.